Hello! I’m Jenn the human behind Miss Darcy & Co. When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of owning a dog. My family lived a very active lifestyle between playing sports to going hiking, biking, to a park, etc and in my mind, a dog would fit right in. I begged and begged my parents to let us have one. However, myself and several family members were allergic to dogs. Determined to convince my parents, I did tons of research on allergies and dogs and wrote several research papers for them on how we could make it work; to no avail. It was then that I decided when I grew up, I was going to breed dogs for people who were allergic to dogs so they too could have the opportunity to have a best adventure buddy.
As I was about to graduate from high school, my parents decided to let me foster dogs. The first two I fostered were lab mix puppies. Having never owned a dog much less a puppy I began researching the best ways to potty train, obedience train, etc. I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of methods out there for training a dog. From this point on, I decided there was a good, better, and best way to raise a dog.
I followed various breeders and learned different ways they were intentional (or unintentional) about how they raised their pups. I began learning just how big of an impact the first 12 weeks of a puppies life can make. I also realized that just like methods of training dogs in general, raising puppies has various methods with various results and the general public is unaware.
Most don’t know that who they get their puppy from can make all the difference in the success of their dogs life. Just interacting with and snuggling puppies as the grow is not enough.
There I decided I didn’t just want to breed dogs, I wanted to develop a community. A community where you’re safe to ask questions, where educating, encouraging, and just having relationships with others is the priority over “selling puppies”. A community where puppies families send me updates of their pups and we meet up for puppy play dates. I wanted to raise puppies that thrive in their new homes and are supported for a lifetime. So after lots of research (including daily research today), that’s what I do.